What and who has influenced me as a woman to be a strong leader and to be where I am today ( Part I here )? When I was a young woman, I remember being a bit affronted with the image of the Proverbs 31 wife - the Bible's example of the perfect woman, the almost impossible unattainable goal. The trouble was, I saw her as someone who was just a little TOO perfect, too industrious (can anyone say "workaholic") and definitely too much like the 1950's conservative image of a homemaker. I had a terrific example of motherhood in my own mom who cooked healthy meals for us, loved to be silly and celebrate with panache, made my dresses and gave me a wonderful childhood free of worries. However, as a new mom, I felt very strongly about being labeled as "just a mom" - I didn't want motherhood to be what defined me. I wanted to make my mark on the world and do Big things for God and I just didn't think that searching out the right food for mealtime or ke...
Monk: One who lives in solitary self-denial Mommy: What a child calls the woman who gave him/her birth MommyMonk: A woman attempting to find inner solitude in the daily self-denial of motherhood