Tricia Goyer is at it again. She has kept us on the edge of our seats through two dynamic novels chronicling the American involvement in the Spanish Civil War (pre-World War II days). The third book in the Spanish war series, A Whisper of Freedom, is now available.
In this sequel, the main characters carry a truckload of gold artifacts and the dreams of an even greater treasure hunt. The pursuit of treasure leads them each down different paths, into caves, into France, or into South America. Could the gold save the Spanish people from the devastation of war?
The story is engaging and full of twists and unexpected turns. I hope you take the time to read it!
But, as I was reading about these characters and all that gold, I was wondering how a treasure so immense would affect me. Join me by participating in the following meme.

1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!)
I would nervous having so much gold. It would too easy for it to become an idol. So, I would want to share the beauty of that gold with others. But some gold jewelry might be nice - dangly earrings, intricate neclaces...
2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).
My family supports a child through Compassion International because they not only feed children, they train them up and teach them about the Lord. We also support missionaries who translate Scripture into new dialects and spread the Word of God. I usually help out the disabled veterans of America as well because I am grateful for the sacrifices they make for our country. But, I have to admit I wouldn't be so adventurous as Tricia's characters Sophie or Philip who fought in a war that was not their own. What about you?
3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.
I have volunteered for a Pregnancy Crisis center as a counselor; I volunteer at church by working with the babies, children and teaching adult classes; I really enjoy volunteering at my daughter's school.
Ok, those questions make me feel a bit uncomfortable - like the answers are kind of prideful. But at the same time, it made me re-evaluate some things. Am I volunteering where God is calling me? Am I giving where He leads me?
4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.
The fine china (hee hee - I mean the Corell). The fine linens (um, I mean the dirty clothes baskets). The silver (mainly because it is tarnished and I haven't polished it in years).
5. List the last three things you've lost.
I lost an emerald ring my parents gave me for graduation. My husband and I were having a shaving cream fight (very mature of us) and after I wiped my hands on the grass, I realized my ring was missing. We searched and searched to no avail. I regularly lose all sorts of things: keys, important papers, children (just KIDDING!) Thank goodness I don't have a truckload of gold - I'd probably lose it too.
6. List the last three things you've found.
Keys (after much searching), important papers (by the grace of God), my car in the parking lot... :)
If you join me in this meme and post your link at Tricia's site, you can be entered in a contest:
Three brave "players" will be selected at random to win their own lost gold (Gourmet chocolate coins and all three books in the Chronicles of the Spanish Civil War series). To enter all you have to do is answer the MEME on your blog and then leave a comment on Tricia’s blog tour post .
In this sequel, the main characters carry a truckload of gold artifacts and the dreams of an even greater treasure hunt. The pursuit of treasure leads them each down different paths, into caves, into France, or into South America. Could the gold save the Spanish people from the devastation of war?
The story is engaging and full of twists and unexpected turns. I hope you take the time to read it!
But, as I was reading about these characters and all that gold, I was wondering how a treasure so immense would affect me. Join me by participating in the following meme.

1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!)
I would nervous having so much gold. It would too easy for it to become an idol. So, I would want to share the beauty of that gold with others. But some gold jewelry might be nice - dangly earrings, intricate neclaces...
2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).
My family supports a child through Compassion International because they not only feed children, they train them up and teach them about the Lord. We also support missionaries who translate Scripture into new dialects and spread the Word of God. I usually help out the disabled veterans of America as well because I am grateful for the sacrifices they make for our country. But, I have to admit I wouldn't be so adventurous as Tricia's characters Sophie or Philip who fought in a war that was not their own. What about you?
3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.
I have volunteered for a Pregnancy Crisis center as a counselor; I volunteer at church by working with the babies, children and teaching adult classes; I really enjoy volunteering at my daughter's school.
Ok, those questions make me feel a bit uncomfortable - like the answers are kind of prideful. But at the same time, it made me re-evaluate some things. Am I volunteering where God is calling me? Am I giving where He leads me?
4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.
The fine china (hee hee - I mean the Corell). The fine linens (um, I mean the dirty clothes baskets). The silver (mainly because it is tarnished and I haven't polished it in years).
5. List the last three things you've lost.
I lost an emerald ring my parents gave me for graduation. My husband and I were having a shaving cream fight (very mature of us) and after I wiped my hands on the grass, I realized my ring was missing. We searched and searched to no avail. I regularly lose all sorts of things: keys, important papers, children (just KIDDING!) Thank goodness I don't have a truckload of gold - I'd probably lose it too.
6. List the last three things you've found.
Keys (after much searching), important papers (by the grace of God), my car in the parking lot... :)
If you join me in this meme and post your link at Tricia's site, you can be entered in a contest:
Three brave "players" will be selected at random to win their own lost gold (Gourmet chocolate coins and all three books in the Chronicles of the Spanish Civil War series). To enter all you have to do is answer the MEME on your blog and then leave a comment on Tricia’s blog tour post .
LOL! This got me the most from your MEME answers. I'm glad I'm not the only one who let loose the funny bone in answering these questions.
Come check out my post at:
Nice work!
I LOVED it....
I stash too when the company comes...THEY NEVER go in the bedroom closet....HA!!
the only thing I lose (throw away) regularly is receipts...but that is going to's a NEW DECADE!!
Happy Wednesday!
I hope you had a great day!