This has been a week of re-prioritizing and prayerfully considering what new things God wants to do in my life right now. I've been feeling weary and burdened, struggling with my attitude and finding myself down in the dumps more often than normal. I began the year by pouring out my heart to God and asking for healing and for hope.
And He spoke to me - instead of adding more to my life, I need to subtract what is burdening me and focus in on what fills me. He fills, He restores, He heals, He inspires and this world only drains.
He commanded us to take one day out of seven for rest, and I wonder how many mothers know how to take that much needed rest every week. I might find the ability to sit on the couch in front of the TV for a few hours, but have I actually laid down my burdens?
So, it's time for me to rest. And this weekend I have the great opportunity to drink deeply from His cup quenching my thirst. My family has gone on an ice fishing trip and I have stayed home. Alone.
I'm using this time to refocus and recharge. God has been so good to me - granting me an oasis of rest. I hope you take the time to rest this weekend also!

Join Lori, at All You Have to Give as she meditates on the "details" each weekend.
And He spoke to me - instead of adding more to my life, I need to subtract what is burdening me and focus in on what fills me. He fills, He restores, He heals, He inspires and this world only drains.
He commanded us to take one day out of seven for rest, and I wonder how many mothers know how to take that much needed rest every week. I might find the ability to sit on the couch in front of the TV for a few hours, but have I actually laid down my burdens?
So, it's time for me to rest. And this weekend I have the great opportunity to drink deeply from His cup quenching my thirst. My family has gone on an ice fishing trip and I have stayed home. Alone.
I'm using this time to refocus and recharge. God has been so good to me - granting me an oasis of rest. I hope you take the time to rest this weekend also!

Join Lori, at All You Have to Give as she meditates on the "details" each weekend.
It's so wonderful that you have been shown that you need the REST...and God has provided it...
no carpet cleaning...just rest...
It's amazing what we find in THAT detail..if we just stop LONG ENOUGH!!!
I think I NEEDED to hear that one this's been a VERY busy, non stop week...I can't keep up this pace! I will be heeding the message and looking to some "rest" in Him as well!!!
thanks girl for the much needed reminder!!
hugs to you!!
We ALL of us cycle around with feelings of weariness. (Well, everyone but Lori, who I happen to know in person and will attest to the fact that she truly is the energizer bunny!) :)
And there are different kinds of weariness, too, aren't there? Sometimes it's physical, but sometimes it's mental or emotional...
Rest is tremendously important, and it's also important to know what kind of rest you need and when you need it. Many of us have a hard time stopping to discern that, as well as stopping altogether, don't we?
(I know I do... sometimes it sneaks up on me!)
Hope you feel a bit more rested now, in spirit and in body...