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A Prayer for Us All

Lord, the last 12 months have been like a large raw gaping wound for our nation.  It has exposed such ugliness, deep hurts, resentment, anger, pain, bitterness and enmity.  No longer do we stand united - we are fractured, we are broken and we are suffering.  Last night we formally mourned the death of 400,000 souls due to a silent enemy that not only brought illness but confusion, misinformation, disagreement and doubt.  Distrust and hatred have spread in a contagious manner over these past months.  

We have to humbly admit, we have not truly been a nation Under God in many, many years.  Our hearts have strayed so far from Your ways.  We no longer value holiness or honor our elders; we've lost the heart to love our neighbors, especially those who are not like us.  We've forgotten that it is more blessed to give than receive and made our greedy desires and selfish pleasures our gods.  We have replaced You as the Lord of all with our own gods:  pride, comfort, success, beauty, power, substances, greed, popularity and more.  Forgive us Lord for blaspheming Your name with our hypocrisy, saying we follow You but not behaving in a way that honors You.  

Lord, only You can heal us, cleanse us and make us new.  Only when we turn to You with ALL of our heart and ALL of our lives will things change.  We are on our knees, mourning, weeping over our sins, recognizing that within our hearts there is a poverty that only You can fill, hungering-starving for righteousness, recognizing that only in YOU will we find peace, full life and hope.


Tracey M said…
Thhanks for sharing this

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