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Another Great Read...Every Sunrise by Tricia Goyer

Tricia Goyer has become one of my favorite writers. Her series, Heather Creek, by Guideposts, has continued to capture my heart with the story of the reality of growing teenagers crashing into a life with grandparents and a sleepy farm town. Tricia's characters jump to life off the pages of the book and each individual's personality connects with my own inner challenges. Emily and her wishes to be loved, Charlotte and her insecurity about parenting, and Sam's adolescent angst to find his true identity and place of belonging in the world. The story is authentic and the challenges are just like the ones each of face in daily life. Every Sunrise is the third in this series with new twists and turns and changes for this family to face together.

Charlotte Stevenson's world is turned upside down when her daughter, Denise, dies in a tragic car accident. She ran away at eighteen and Charlotte has never forgiven herself. Now, Denise's children, abandoned by their father, are coming from California to live on Heather Creek Farm in Bedford, Nebraska. Charlotte is uncertain about her ability to care for three grandchildren who are not thrilled to give up the beach and sunshine for snow and farm chores! But she sees a chance to make amends and will do whatever it takes to keep her fragile family together. Feel the courage, strength and commitment of this family as their lives unfold in the Home to Heather Creek series.

Contest: Okay…this book is loaded with yummy food: strawberry cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, baked chicken with cornbread, chocolate cake, pancakes with homemade syrup, French onion soup, parmesan crusted chicken…well you get the idea! So the contest for this tour will be the EVERY FOODIE contest! Leave a comment on the blog tour post ( at Tricia’s site with your favorite meal and a recipe (feel free to post more than one recipe!)! She’ll choose the one that most tantalizes her taste buds to receive an entire set of the Home to Heather Creek series (books 1-7)! Five runner’s up will win a copy of Every Sunrise (or another Tricia Goyer book of their choice). Let the mouth-watering commence!


Tricia Goyer said…
Wow Heather!

Thanks so much for your kind review! What a blessing.

Look for book 13 this fall, Sunflower Serenade!


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