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Order My Steps

Order my tongue, in Your word

Guide my feet, in Your word

Wash my heart, in Your word

Show me how to walk, in Your word

Show me how to talk, in Your word.(refrain)

I want to walk worthy, my calling to fulfill

Please order my steps,

Lord, and I’ll do Your blessed will

The world is ever changing, but You are still the same

If You order my steps, I’ll praise Your name.

~~A hymn by Glen Burleigh~

One of the things I've been noticing lately in my walk with the Lord is how very little I am able to do on my own. I want to walk worthy, but I am unable to guide my steps in the way He desires and I'm not able to keep my heart pure or my lips for that matter. I want my life to honor Him, but on my own, that's impossible.

We know this intellectually, but understanding it in practice is a bit more difficult. I run off and plan 5 meetings, organize everything to a tee, work my tail off and then wonder if I've been seeking God's guidance through it all.

My feet sometimes get ahead of my heart. I need to wait for Him to order my steps, to lead me in the way everlasting that I might praise Him with my life.

Father, I need You, I need You now more than ever. I need You to plan the path in front of me and to gently lead me in the right direction. I need You to help me make each step of faith and to speak each word by the Spirit. I need You to be my guide and to be my forgiveness and my healing. A life of faith is impossible without Your power!
Sweet, fun-loving Lori has chosen this quote for us to ponder today. Please visit her to hear what others have to say!


Karen said…
My feet get ahead of my heart. Boy if that isn't the truth. Thanks for sharing today.
Miriam Pauline said…
I hear you that knowing it and understanding it in practice are not the same. Working on knowing it in practice here. Bless you for sharing today.
Susan said…
My feet sometimes get ahead of my heart. I need to wait for Him to order my steps, to lead me in the way everlasting that I might praise Him with my life.

Oh, how perfect!!! How true for me as well.

Praying with you for wisdom and direction for each day!
Yup! that is why we need Him to fulfill our life. to save us day by day..
Denise said…
This was really beautiful my friend.
Unknown said…
"One of the things I've been noticing lately in my walk with the Lord is how very little I am able to do on my own. I want to walk worthy, but I am unable to guide my steps in the way He desires and I'm not able to keep my heart pure or my lips for that matter. I want my life to honor Him, but on my own, that's impossible."


Freedom is so worth the price of submission. I love that our God is so gracious to not only call us to freedom but to be the only source of it as well. Blessings.
lori said…
"My feet sometimes get ahead of my heart..." too!
Your words always inspire me!! girls are taking an online math class this year...They are a little nervous too!:)

Oh yeah....I LOVE the new pic too!!
I'm sorry about the SIREN...It happened to me too...I was like "what the heck..." then I realized...oh's me:)

Thanks for joining me today! Always a blessing!!
good luck with the new job!!
Laurie Ann said…
Precious post and prayer, Heather. My feet sometimes get ahead of my heart, too, and like you, I do need to wait on Him to order my steps...Thanks for being such a blessing and encouragement in your writing!
Melanie said…
I so hear you on this one! This seems like an almost daily struggle for me... letting my feet get ahead of my heart. When will I remember that it all will go so much smoother if I stop, pray and seek the Lord's guidance first instead of last?!
Unknown said…
What a good reminder that our plans are good but God's are better - hehe and HIS always work out!

I'm reminded of Acts 5:38-39 where we're reminded that if the plan is ours, it will fail, but if it is from God, we will not be able to stop it.

Take care and thanks for the reminder --

Ava Semerau
And God Was Pleased

"And long after the history of all the big things that make the front pages are forgotten, what God has done through you and a few people will be history.” - Dr. Richard C. Halverson

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