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Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd,
Thank You, my guide, my faithful leader, my dependable Caretaker
I shall not be in want.
There has always been enough - God has always provided for our needs.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
God grants me rest each day - physical rest from my labors and spiritual rest for my heart.
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He quenches my thirst. He is a bottomless well - Thank you Living Water for flowing in me.
He restores my soul.
Thank You, Restorer of all, for making me anew - for creating in me a new life full of fresh starts.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Thank You God, that I am not in this struggle against sin alone. You are guiding and filling me with power to follow Your ways each and every day that I might glorify You with my life.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
Thank You Jesus, that Your perfect love casts out fear and I can live in confidence with courage for the challenges that may lie ahead.
Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Your guidance, Oh Lord, gives me a feeling of being wrapped up in loving arms. You protect me and preserve my life. Praise Your Name, Oh Lord!
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Even when the battles are raging around me, You take care of me!
You anoint my head with oil;
You count me as someone valued in Your kingdom! Thank You Lord, for stooping down to treasure this creation of Yours.
my cup overflows.
Your gifts are always amazing and abundantly more than I could ask or imagine. I am overflowing with gratitude Father, for Your love and care for me.
Surely goodnes and love will follow me all the days of my life,
Thank You for leading me on, and for following behind with a trail of gooness and love. Thank You God for being Good and thank You God for being Love not just some but all the days of my life.
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Forever is a long time - and what a joy to know that I will spend my forever with You, the One who made me and who loves me perfectly. Thank You Lord!

For more thankful hearts today, visit Laurel Wreath. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!


Melissa said…
Very fitting passage for our day of Thanksgiving! God bless!
Unknown said…
He is a bottomless well. I LOVE that! Have a happy Thanksgiving, Heather!
Ann said…
It's great to see someone else's thankfulness on this passage! As Larry (from Veggie Tales) says "Forever is a long time, it's like, Forever!" How awesome is that?
Andrea said…
Great post...thanks for sharing that with us!
What a beautiful way to give thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Lisa B.
WOW! I love your list and the way you laid it out with Psalm 23.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said…
Heather, This is so beautiful and it brings this well known scripture a fresh breath of air. Happy Thanksgiving, Love and hugs, Lynn
Anonymous said…
I love Psalm 23 a lot. It's a great source of comfort,'s full conviction to the promises of God.
Lori said…
This has been a passage that has been on my mind all week, what a great read. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!
Denise said…
This was really beautiful.

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