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Fresh Fallen

The sun peeks over the horizon, piercing the dawn with shafts of brightness. In its beams, the world sparkles and shines anew. Sturdy blades of grass are laced in bright white beauty. Barren limbs draped with winter's freshness glitter brightly in the light. Blanketed in the first fresh snow, the world sings a new song - a song of cleansing power, of fresh starts, and hope. The blue spruces in a row sprinkled with the sweetness of heaven anticipate the season of advent.

Children romp with rosy cheeks, tongues baring the cold air to catch the first snowflake. Bulky mittens attempt to roll the powder into balls for light-hearted fun. A black kitty tiptoes through the unusual texture beneath his paws. Fat, fluffy flakes tumble toward the ground, sticking to anything in their path.

The world has been washed in newness and cleansed to purity; now it is clothed in the robes of heaven.

They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 7:14).

Yesterday's mistakes are washed away for today is new. The death and sorrow and pain are cleansed by the blood and purity covers us.

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18

Join Lori, at All You Have to Give as she meditates on the "details" each weekend.


lori said…
They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 7:14).

white as snow....
those details we would "MISS" if we were not looking!!
I LOVE that you have snow!! I WISH you could put some in a box and ship it to us...we'd pay the postage!!

what wonderful little details wrapped up in that one...SNOW!!
I LOVE you guys for doing this with me!!
thank you! thank you! thank you!
you bless me more than you know!!
Denise said…
Wow, such a nice post.
Anonymous said…
Great detail!! I love snow but am not a big fan of the temps that go along with it. But, you are right, it is such a reminder of spiritual things. What an awesome reminder of His grace!!

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